Helmets and Head socks are provided at the track
Must Wear Closed Toe Shoes
Fasten all lose clothing and long hair before entering the track
Pay close attention to the instructions given before each race
Once in the kart, always remain seated until attendant helps you out
No bumping, weaving or spinning allowed
If any trouble develops, stay in your kart and raise your hand
Slow down when leaving & entering start/finish zone
Medical Conditions
This ride is not recommended for those who have heart problems, neck or back problems and pregnant women.
Service Denial
We reserve the right to refuse service to anyone we feel may not be fit for ride. Any misconduct or failure to follow the rules or flags will result in immediate removal from the track area
Anyone assumed to be under the influence of alcohol and drugs shall not be allowed in the track area.
Own Risk
Participate at your own risk
Track Layouts

Track 1
Coming Soon!

Track 2
Coming Soon!

Track 3
Coming Soon!

Track 4
Coming Soon!

Track 5
Coming Soon!

Track 6
Coming Soon!

Track 7
Coming Soon!

Track 8
Coming Soon!